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Freedom from Addictions

A Psychological Detective Story

Any scientific research report is like a detective story. Science starts with a mystery to be solved. The problem to be investigated has to be characterized so that it can be observed and so that the tasks to be performed can be clarified. The available bits of information have to be located and subjected to careful measurement and detailed examination. Evidence has to be assembled in such a way that it is capable of being communicated to others in a definitive way. Then all the information has to be presented clearly enough that readers, serving as jurors, can evaluate whether or not there is adequate proof of the conclusions reached.

Freedom from Addictions is a psychological detective story. It details a multi-year search for the causes underlying addictions, and it describes the results of a successful treatment program based on the resultant understanding of what drives addictions.



A Simple and Effective Cure for Criminality

A Psychological Detective Story

Criminality or crookedness is one of the major causes of crime. Understanding criminality is the first step in knowing how to treat it successfully, and possibly how to prevent it. A Simple and Effective Cure for Criminality details the steps involved in achieving and efficiently applying that understanding.



An ABA Primer with Application to Teaching Children with Autism

A “primer” is a short introduction to a field of study, in this case a brief introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), which is the application of the past hundred years of research into how learning works. It has universal application; it can be applied to any situation in which learning is required. Recently, however, ABA has gained prominence in the teaching of children with autism – which is currently estimated to affect 1 in every 42 boys and 1 in every 189 girls – since, while there are many different approaches to treating autism, if learning occurs as a result of any of these different approaches, it occurs in keeping with the laws of learning on which ABA is based. When applied to the treatment of children with autism, it may productively be thought of as remedial education for the learning deficits and inappropriate behaviours that define autism.


Adventures in Pragmatic Psychotherapy

It has been said the psychology is the study of the Id by the odd. But that is only part of the story. Psychologists are problem solvers, examining the circumstances surrounding their clients’ distress, and helping them to achieve some resolution of the problems involved. Adventures in Pragmatic Psychotherapy is an entertaining tour de force illuminating the day to day challenges encountered in a long and varied psychotherapy career, and providing a glimpse inside the mind of one quirky psychological genius as he attempts to alleviate his clients’ suffering.


Miscellaneous Musings

This book is a collection of short papers in psychology and religion. Topics include an introduction to hypnosis, personality assessment, psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the energy therapies, women’s lib, morality, attaining perfection, dualism, responsibility, and a meditation on the Lord’s Prayer.


Creating Peace

Creating Peace is at once a novel, a self-help book, and a manual for an engrossing game framed in essentially rational, problem-solving terms and, in addition, it is an exploration of the motivations by means of which we create disturbance within ourselves and conflict with others – the “final causes” (our beliefs, goals, purposes, needs and values) and the “perpetuation causes ” (the rewards and reinforcers )that drive us towards either conflict or peace. Finally, it is a guide to the appropriate means by which the causes that lead to conflict can be alleviated.


Books by Reg M. Reynolds

Books by Reg M. Reynolds