Creating Peace
Under the Reynolds Principle of Perversity, as modified by the Quirk Principle of Characterological Divergence, it seems clear that only humour will be taken seriously – while anything presented seriously will be ridiculed as fatuous rubbish. Nevertheless, our hope is that what we have to say will be considered in the serious light in which it was intended.
In our opinion, the most basic goal in life is to achieve peace – intra-personally, inter-personally, intra-communally and inter-nationally. Still, this goal is only an instrumental one. Achieving peace provides the necessary pre-condition for any other constructive, cooperative, harmonious, healthy and joyful purposes to be pursued. Without peace, each of us becomes absorbed in constant efforts to avoid or prevent uncomfortable and disruptive events and states – preoccupation with which interferes radically with the pursuit or accomplishment of our own positive purposes that might give colour and meaning to our daily lives.